

2020年12月02日 18:57  点击:[]



康蕴,厦门大学工学博士,硕士生导师。在国内外期刊发表论文10篇,其中在《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》《Information Sciences》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》等发表相关SCI检索论文10余篇。主持湖南省教育厅项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目与省湖南省自然科学基金项目3项。中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专委会委员、中国人工智能学会人工智能基础专委会委员。



(1) Yun Kang, Bin Yu, Jianhua Dai, Zeshui Xu; Interpretable multi-attribute predictive analysis model based on rough fuzyy set and Logistic Regression, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2023 Accepted, (JCR 1区, Top期刊)
(2) Bin Yu, Yan Hu, Yun Kang, Mingjie Cai; A novel variable precision rough set attribute reduction algorithm based on local attribute significance, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023 online, (JCR 2区)
(3) Yun Kang, Jianhua Dai; Attribute reduction in inconsistent grey decision systems based on variable precision grey multigranulation rough set model, Applied Soft Computing, 2023.1,133. (JCR 1区, Top期刊)
(4) Yun Kang, Bin Yu, Zeshui Xu; A novel approach to multi-attribute predictive analysis based on rough fuzzy sets, Applied Intelligence, 2023.1 (JCR 2区)
(5) Yun Kang, Bin Yu, Mingjie Cai; Multi-attribute predictive analysis based on attribute-oriented fuzzy rough sets in fuzzy information systems, Information Sciences, 2022, 608: 931-949. (JCR 1区, Top期刊)
(6) Yun Kang, Shunxiang Wu, Yuwen Li,Jinghua Liu; A variable precision grey-based multigranulation rough set model and attribute reduction, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 148: 131-145. (JCR 1区, Top期刊)
(7) Yun Kang, Shunxiang Wu, Da Cao, Wei Weng; New hesitation-based distance and similarity measures on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and their applications, International Journal of Systems Science, 2018, 49(4): 783-799. (JCR 2区)
(8) Yun Kang, Shunxiang Wu, Yuwen Li, Wei Weng; New and improved grey multi granulation rough sets, International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(12): 2575-2589. (JCR 2区)

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